
Friday, May 28, 2021

Reflection Section Week 4 Term 2

  Text Title: Romeo And Juliet

   Text Type: Play

   Text Creator: William Shakespeare

   Text Purpose: To Entertain 

   Date: 28/5/21

   Critical Literacy Question: What is the text about how do we know

The text is about a young couple in love in a era where love is not real and there gangs that there family raised them into hating each other but they just clicked when they meet and yea. How we know that the text is about that well if you look at the text they literally say that and thats also so how we know that.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Reflection Section Denzel Washington

 Denzel Washington Life Advice 

Source: Motivational Madness 

21st May 2021 

Purpose: to motivate his fans and tell his life story

In this video that we watched a today is Denzel Washington giving motivational speech and telling his life story in this motivational speech he is talking about falling forward instead of falling backward so at least when you fall forward you can see where your landing and what you are hitting and how he tried to go to an audition and didn't get the part and kept on trying and then he 30 years later went to the same theatre to perform and got a Oscar for it.

In whose interest is the texts
The text or video clip interest would be for some one whose feeling a bit down in life right now and is not happy where they are in life right now.

What kind of language is used in the text?
the type of language that is uplifting and will make you feel motivated to do something with your life they type of language to make you feel better about.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Reflection Section (The Freedom Writers)

 Text Title: Freedom Writers

 Text Type: Film 

 Text Creator: Stanly Nelson JR

 Critical Literacy Questions: What do the photos suggest

What was the Freedom Writers about.Well it was about a group of kids and a teacher named Erin Gruwell at first she was started at a school and started teaching a class who didn't care or want to care about anything she had to say or do but then as the movie progressed the students started to like her even more as she was actually trying to help them be better in life with everything so she went to this museum about the holocaust and that was what I think made them realise just how hard dangerous life can be but you just got to keep on moving forward and never letting the past get to you other wise its just gonna turn out bad for you and then they read the book about Anne Frank and thats when they started to make a real bond with the teacher and they fund raised enough money to get Anne Frank to come speak with the class and during that time Eva was going to court about her boyfriend killed and she was crying up there because she wanted to tell the truth but she couldn't but she did anyway and the teacher Erin was also going through a divorce and yea then the class realised that they wont be with the teacher or junior  year and senior year but they went to the school board or something to let them teach the kids and they were aloud to

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Freedom Writers

What was the Freedom Writers about.Well it was about a group of kids and a teacher named Erin Gruwell. At first she was started at a school and started teaching a class who didn't  care or want to care about anything she had to say or do but then as the movie progressed the students started to like her even more as she was actually trying to help them be better in life with everything so she went to this museum about the holocaust and that was what I think made them realise just how hard dangerous life can be but you just got to keep on moving forward and never letting the past get to you other wise its just gonna turn out bad for you and then they read the book about Anne Frank and thats when they started to make a real bond with the teacher and they fund raised enough money to get Anne Frank to come speak with the class and during that time Eva was going to court about her boyfriend killed and she was crying up there because she wanted to tell the truth but she couldn't but she did anyway and the teacher Erin was also going through a divorce and yea then the class realised that they wont be with the teacher or junior year and senior year but they went to the school board or something to let them teach the kids and they were aloud to.